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Zukunftsvisionen für post-Corona Zeiten

Empfehlungen der ExZuLa Mitglieder auf Deutsch, English, Italiano, Polski.


Der Corona-Effekt. Vier Zukunftsszenarien, Zukunftsinstitut White Paper, 2020

“Ausgehend von den vier möglichen Entwicklungen beschreiben die Szenarien gesamtgesellschaftliche Konsequenzen. Wie bei allen Szenarien ist die Darstellung zur Verdeutlichung des erwarteten Wandels zugespitzt und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf eine „realistische“ Darstellung. Gerade dadurch hilft sie aber, Orientierung zu schaffen und Räume für ein neues, zukunftsweisendes Denken zu öffnen.”



Matthias Horx, Die Welt nach der Coronakrise: Nichts wird so sein wie davor, Tagblatt, 28.03.2020

“Die Welt «as we know it» löst sich gerade auf. Aber dahinter fügt sich eine neue Welt zusammen, deren Formung wir zumindest erahnen können.”


Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How. Politico, 19.03.2020

“(…) crisis moments also present opportunity: more sophisticated and flexible use of technology, less polarization, a revived appreciation for the outdoors and life’s other simple pleasures. No one knows exactly what will come, but here is our best stab at a guide to the unknown ways that society—government, healthcare, the economy, our lifestyles and more—will change.”


Noam Chomsky, Chris Brooks, In Response to Coronavirus, “You Can Do Something”, Jacobinmag, 14.04.2020

“In a new interview, Noam Chomsky gives his thoughts on the coronavirus pandemic, the depravities of capitalism, and the urgent need for a new era of solidarity and labor struggle.”


Charles Eisenstein, The Coronation, March 2020

“Covid-19 is like a rehab intervention that breaks the addictive hold of normality. To interrupt a habit is to make it visible; it is to turn it from a compulsion to a choice. When the crisis subsides, we might have occasion to ask whether we want to return to normal, or whether there might be something we’ve seen during this break in the routines that we want to bring into the future.”


An interview with Yanis Varoufakis, Yanis Varoufakis: “The European Union Is Determined to Continue Making the Same Errors It Made After 2008”, Jacobinmag, 08.04.2020

The lack of EU help for the states hardest hit by COVID-19 is the latest sign of the hollowness of “European solidarity.” As Yanis Varoufakis tells Jacobin, the European Union’s institutions are hardwired to ignore the needs of the social majority — preferring to allow mass suffering than to change their own rules.


Julio Vincent Gambuto, Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting*, Forge  Medium, 10.04.2020

“From one citizen to another, I beg of you: take a deep breath, ignore the deafening noise, and think deeply about what you want to put back into your life. This is our chance to define a new version of normal, a rare and truly sacred (yes, sacred) opportunity to get rid of the bullshit and to only bring back what works for us, what makes our lives richer, what makes our kids happier, what makes us truly proud.”


Gia Kourlas, How to use our bodies to Navigate a Pandemic, New York Times, 31.03.2020

“That feeling and control of where we are in space is important right now; dancers, through years of training and sensorial alertness, grasp this inherently. If this pandemic is teaching us anything, it is that we need to return to our bodies. Life is precious, and so is movement.”


Bruno Latour, What protective measures can you think of so we don’t go back to the pre-crisis production model? Versopolis/Review, 7.04.2020

When common sense asks us to ‘start production up again as quickly as possible’, we have to shout back, ‘Absolutely not!’ The last thing to do is repeat the exact same thing we were doing before.


Gideon Lichfield, We’re not going back to normal, MIT Technology Review, 17.03.2020

“We all want things to go back to normal quickly. But what most of us have probably not yet realized—yet will soon—is that things won’t go back to normal after a few weeks, or even a few months. Some things never will.”


Matt Mellen, 5 ways coronavirus could help humanity survive the ecological crisis, eco hustler, 3.03.2020

“Crisis can be an opportunity and adopting some of these measures in perpetuity could help to avert the worst case runaway climate scenarios and help to maintain the planetary conditions that humanity is adapted to.”


Message to the World from the Ceremonial Elders of Whapmagoostui, QC, Canada, Censored News, 30.03.2020

“The pandemic cannot be cured by medicine alone; it must be combined with good deeds, prayer, and humanity’s collective commitment to change its ways, most of all, its dedication to minimising the damage it does to the Earth.“


Pope Franciscus, Vatican, 12.04.2020

“Moreover, I urge you to reflect on “life after the pandemic,” for while this storm shall pass, its grave consequences are already being felt. (…) I want all of us to think about the project of integral human development that we long for and that is based on the central role and initiative of the people in all their diversity, as well as on universal access to those three Ts that you defend: Trabajo (work), Techo (housing), and Tierra (land and food).”


Yuk Hui, One Hundred Years of Crisis, e-flux, Journal #108, April 2020

“Before that day arrives, and before an even more serious catastrophe brings us closer to extinction (which we can already sense), we may still need to ask what an “organismic” global immune system could look like beyond simply claiming to coexist with the coronavirus. What kind of co-immunity or co-immunism (the neologism that Sloterdijk proposed) is possible if we want globalization to continue, and to continue in a less contradictory way?”


Noam Chomsky, Chris Brooks, „È un disastro del capitalismo. Ma possiamo reagire“, Jakobinm-Italia, 16.04.2020

“Per Noam Chomsky gli effetti del Coronavirus sono amplificati dall’avidità del business e dalla ferocia di politici come Trump e i suoi amici (tra i quali cita Salvini). L’unica speranza viene dai movimenti dal basso.”


Loren Balhorn, Yanis Varoufakis, «L’Ue ripete gli errori commessi dopo il 2008», Jacobin-Italia, 11.04.2020

“Dopo la crisi dei subprime – spiega l’ex ministro greco Varoufakis – l’Europa trattò un problema di insolvenza come se fosse di liquidità, finanziando prestiti. Ora fa lo stesso, evitando di usare le sue risorse a favore della maggioranza dei cittadini.”


Wu Ming, Usare lo #stateacasa per diffamare e licenziare i lavoratori: cosa possiamo imparare, anche in Italia, dal caso Amazon/Smalls, Giap-Wu ming Foundation, 07.04.2020

Vice è entrata in possesso dei verbali di una riunione di dirigenti Amazon che si è tenuta alla presenza di Sua Opulenza in persona, Jeff Bezos, per discutere di come diffamare per benino Chris Smalls, un lavoratore sindacalizzato del centro logistico JFK8 a Staten Island, New York.


Wu Ming, Al ballo mascherato della viralità. Sull’obbligo di coprirsi la faccia anche quando non serve, Giap-Wu ming Foundation, 08.04.2020 

“Perché da un po’ di giorni ce la stanno menando così tanto con la mascherina? Perché alcune ordinanze regionali l’hanno già resa obbligatoria quando si esce di casa, nonostante medici, scienziati e la stessa OMS ripetano che indossarla ovunque è improprio e persino rischioso? Perché politici e amministratori si fanno fotografare accanto a cargo pieni di mascherine? Che scontro politico c’è intorno alla mascherina? Che ruolo avrà la mascherina nella cosiddetta «Fase 2» dell’emergenza coronavirus? Proviamo a fare il punto.”



Michal Bachowski, Zuzanna Skalska: Swiat po epidemii bedzie jak Polska lat 90. Stary system sie skonczyl, Noizz, 11.04.2020

“W tej chwili powinniśmy zacząć sobie zadawać egzystencjalne pytania, których dawno sobie nie zadawaliśmy. Przede wszystkim – co chcemy zostawić po sobie?”


Michal Sutkowski, To nie stan wyjątkowy, to poligon polskiej przyszłości, Krytyka Polityczna, 18.03.2020

“Ale żeby było jasne – pandemia COVID-19 to nie szklana kula, pokazująca przyszłość, to raczej ostatni dzwonek alarmowy. Może ostatni moment, w którym te katastrofalne trendy i zjawiska możemy jeszcze powstrzymać. Odwrócić lub przynajmniej ograniczyć. Obok apokaliptycznych wieści dochodzących nas z włoskich szpitali czy spod amerykańskich sklepów z bronią są przecież promyki nadziei.”